Thursday, July 30, 2009

Living Your Life

I guess all of us have almost the same amount of time in the world.
Or at least there about. (just stop smoking, will you?)

The things we had done, and the path we will choose decides very much how our life will turn out. Some stuffs are insignificantly small, but undeniably, make or break depends very much on how you view your life, and decides how you react and choose.

I crossed my path with him one day when I made up my mind to get back to my social life and give ‘friends’ a second chance.

Shitty things that are beyond control stop you from reaching your goal, though, you say.
I know.

You are rejected by boys that you want them as boyfriends,
Boys that you just want to be friends want you as a girlfriend.
Colleagues with asses as faces are working you with everyday.
Money seems to disappear along with monthly necessary items that seem… indifference to your satisfaction level.
Bus fares are jacked up,
Train fares are jacked up,
H1N1, SARS, mad cow disease, terrorism…

Incidents that deny you from being a happy person bound to happen, but probably what we can control is only our mind, and from there, decisions that makes everyone else around you a happy person. =)

And yah, I’m talking about saint, mind you.
I’m saying let rottens rot, they dun deserve any attention.
I’m talking about normal being that we cherish and care.
(No matter how nice is your mother, she’s only a human with temperamental tempers, just like you.)

Let’s not be the granny who adhere to her principle so much that she missed out all the fun stuff in life. =)

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Lost Symbol

finally, finally, finally... FINALLY!

hahaha. my salary's finally in, and straight away i drawn out money for jia yong and savings, just in case my account dried out at the end of the money even before i could do that.

treated mama tcc for dinner and she bought some chomels accessories for me.

and i pre-ordered this. =)

am seriously sooo excited about the book, especially when i'm just done with Angels & Demons. And speaking of that, after finishing the book, i realised the movie acted by Tom Hanks was just utterly disappointing.

No gore scenes of dead bodies,
no Max Kohler to wrap up the ending,
Hassassins didn't have the ending he should have.

Even the history given was different! Water Pope is not suppose to survive! *roll eyes* Seriously, the scripwriter need to follow some strict rules about not change the storyline entirely.

Anyhow, even after reading only 2 books of his (2 more to go and 1 more coming up!),i must say he's a brilliant writer. Don't gimmi tt crap about it's equivalent to publishing a book about Chinese are idiots and is backup with evidence for it. It never did. And even if so, if it's able to convince millions, the least i can admit is it must be a brilliant, clever writer, aye? A money-driven couldn't care less about integrity lawyer must be clever tooo, rite?

Whatever, i dun wan to post more about debating issues.

but FYI:

Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, as he is a Christian himself, and says of his bookThe Da Vinci Code that it is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

i'm goddamnit broke!

i'm seriously in need of money! i'm freaking broke!
after spending $1,550 on a freaking desktop, i'm super broke!

not that i'm a spendthrift or wat, but i had been using the same toshiba laptop since nov 2005! about 4 and 1/2 years! and FYI: my bro used it to play online games till he got his about 2 years ago. imagine the damage already done to my laptop by then.

but it's alright, i'm pretty happy with my new hp pc sitting at home, with 2 monitors- 1 brand new 23inch flat screen, the other old and small and... nvm. at least it's there and still in working condition. haha.

photo of new pc to be uploaded soon!

mama pestered me for monthly allowance just the other day, and with me still owing her another 50bucks, i am now drawing a weekly allowance of $20 fr her, and currently (wed) i am left with $8. pay won't be in till next thurs. god bless me!

hey, $8 not say v big okay! hafta consider the fact tt i'm working in the big Great World City and i have to have dinner for tue (ACCA class at nite), wed (jap class at night), thurs (tut). i am still going to watch Harry Potter this fri. really really, god bless me. sigh.

can't wait for this weekend and pay day. i need cash to repay my mum. haha.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Obsessed & Disappointing Ice-Age 3

watched Obsessed ytd. would give it probably a 3.5 star rating, perhaps. Wasn't expecting my Moomoo to like it tooo as this is a girl kinda thriller.

haha. but it's totally amazing how the movie kept us entertained throughout with just the simpliest storyline. All acted darn well probably added more stars to it. Totally love Ali Larter and her hot hot figure.

Funny part was at the last exciting scene (i'm not gonna be a spoiler), the whole cinema went 'Whoa...!' whahahaha. followed by a roar of laughter.

Ice Age 3 was sucha letdown. to think my mum kept insisting that we should watch the show. Super typical kinda cartoon for kids. probably I'll feel amazed if I were still 12. haha. or maybe my mum don't visit the cinema as often as us. and FYI: all the funny scenes are already in the previews.

Harry Potter this friday. =) I'm so looking forward to it! xD
hmm. maybe I should start reading the books tooo to understand why is there sucha big hoo-ha.

A Funny Joke


A young man goes into a pharmacy and says to the pharmacist "Hello, could you give me condom. I'm going to my girlfriends for dinner and I think I may be in with a chance!"

The pharmacist gives him the condom and as the young man is going out; he returns and says, "Give me another condom because my girlfriend's sister is very cute too. She always crosses her legs in a provocative manner when she sees me and I think I might strike it lucky there too..."

The pharmacist gives him a second condom and as the boy is leaving he turns back and says, "Go on, give me one more condom because my girlfriend's mum is still pretty cute and when she sees me she always makes eyes, and since she invited me for dinner, I think she is expecting me to make a move!

During dinner, the young man is sitting with his girlfriend on his left,The sister on his right and the mum facing him.When the dad gets there, the boy lowers his head and starts praying, "Dear Lord, bless this dinner and thank you for all you give us".

A minute later the boy is still praying; "Thank you Lord for your kindness." Ten minutes go by and the boy is still praying, keeping his head down. The others look at each other surprised and his girlfriend is even more surprised than the others. She gets close to the boy and says in his ear, "I didn't know you were so religious."
The boy replies, "I didn't know your dad was a pharmacist!"



First, I was dying to finish my high school & start college.
And then I was dying to finish college and start working.
Then I was dying to marry and have children.
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough so I could go back to work.
But then I was dying to retire,
And now I'm dying...
And suddenly I realised I forgot to live.

*Please don't let this happen to you. Appreciate your current situation and enjoy each day.

To make money we lose our health,
and then to restore our health we lose our money...
We live as if we are never going to die,
and we die as if we never lived...