Thursday, April 27, 2006
i want my kitten
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i dun care la.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
you love her.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
then you must gimmi persian
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
i dun care oso
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
where to buy tt stupid kitten?!?!?!?!
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i wan!
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
dun care.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
you dun go there take photo then gimmi the photo hor.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
i draw give u
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
pet shop got snakes i dun dare go in
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
go no snakes de la.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
dun wan.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i only wan fr you 2.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
den we purposley dunwan give u
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i tell her you bully me.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
haha. so funnn
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
hey seriously
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
u all monday gg out where sia
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i dunno.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
we havent decide.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
where you wan2 go?
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
ur bday thingy u ask me
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
funny hor
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i wan kitten.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
tt's wat i know.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
u where got time to take care of kitten
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
she will help me.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
funny. u wan scare die her ah
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
you lar.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
i dun like animals
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sorry ah
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
u where got time!?
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
ltr the kitten die how
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
very sinful one
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
and i will be even more sinful cos i got the kitten for u
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
so cannot
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
for the sake of u and oso me. better dun get kitten
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
ur work place so free ah
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
nth to do meh
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
cats got 9lives.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
can lar.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
u duno
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
onli cats got 9 lives meh
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
kitten onli got 1 life
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
cos they still young
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
not yet 9 years old
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
*an ugly cat smiley*
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
nah this cat give u
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i wan cute cute white persian kittens.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
white very easy dirtyyy
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
-.- not soft toy wat it's real s.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
will change hair de ma.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
change hair leh
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
u see..
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
if got kitten at home
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
u must clean the pee n poo
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
buy food
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
look after it
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
ltr kitten play hide n seek with u how?
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
no la.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
ltr ur guitar fall on ur kitten how?
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
my kittens will be clever enough to find the way home.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
summore ur room so messy ltr cant even find the kitten
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i'll tidy up my room!
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
need to train kitten one waddddddd
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
need alot time n care n patient
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
u working
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
kitten no need la!
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
where got time?
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
puppies then need!
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
wads the diffffff
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
both oso animals leh
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i promise k?
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i'll hide the kitten inside my bag when i go out.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
let me discuss this with my wife tonite
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
she's the boss!
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
i go buy ice cream eat
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
i hate gays who look like bungs!
i was reading entries from colinandkero and was linked to another person's blog (note: there were alot of links under homo united). and i really find this person d*** cute. i went mad and told kim, cos i think she sorta know a gal by the name of jayden.. then jinghui msg me online.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i wan2 know jayden!!!
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
cute meh
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
my type lo.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
go find out which subway she working at la
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
nah.. wont go till this extent.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i only say say say then go find other cute guys/gals alr.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i rather go jp's cool station find kero. haha..
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
i think she studying in napfa leh
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
eh no
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
its another one
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
my fren gg too
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
not lasell meh?
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
i see wrong
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
cute lar!
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
find one time i'm gg jp to see kero.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
not cute la. dean cuter
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
ok lar..
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
but i prefer this face lar.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
ok la
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
i wan jayden.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
anyway jayden is damn ugly la
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
her complexion nice onli
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
so ah beng
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
u see the pic she took wif renfred
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
are u sure she's a gal?
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
she's link thru colinandkero la.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
homo unit.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
confirm lar..
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
scully he gay leh
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
u got go see the frenster?
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
cannot find. =(
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
link thru his blog
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
wait ah
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
his name is JIAN LONG
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
told u not bung liao
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
y the name so guy???
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
from shuqun sec
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
lemmi check 1st.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
my com damn slow.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
wat is the gender?
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
*and i f***ing checked the friendster..*
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
it's just damn comical..
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
in a r/s
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
forget it.
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
he's a gayyyyyyyyy
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
weird feeling now.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
guys will like you (str ones)
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
bungs also.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
pure les also.
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
jasMiNe.aka.eMiLy says:
sometimes you need to MOVE OUT to move on. says:
hah hahhahaaa

wat is the world coming to???
Saturday, April 22, 2006
boring entry
and it's "lucky" that i can repair my k750i without my warranty card. i forgotten to chop my card when i was in apple. erm, and that was the lucky thing that happened in this unlucky thing. haha..
was taking my dad's photos the other day..
"dun take my photo la.."

told you dun talk liao!

and guess wat? my dad wore the mickey mouse shirt i bought for him! aww..

and my mum's so cute! haha..

Saturday, April 15, 2006
random photos
my schedule is sooo tight.
mon: cdc-8.30to5.30,sim-7to10
tue: cdc-8.30to5.30, sim-7to10
wed: cdc-8.30to5.30
thurs: cdc-8.30to5.30, sim-7to10
fri: cdc-8.30to5.30
sat: familyday!
sun: apple-4to9
oh yah, i'm working at northeast community development council at tampines, for those who dunno yet. haha.. mingxuan and weilin were discussing about my hectic lifestyle just ytd. haha!
has got lotsa photos in my hp! gotta post them up!

kim's formal wear and my birkenstock sandals just dun match. haha..
another hilarious photo. haha! after our haircut at bugis's chapter2. she just wan2 take photo with me!
haha.. okok, shall post a decent one..
my little cousin! ain't he cute? he kept running from afar and post, wanting me to take his photo. i wonder who taught him photos are to be taken like that.. oh yah, my ah ma. haha..
oh yah, yuwei lent me da changjin's vcds, and did anyone realised andy lau, liu de hua actually appeared in the show? see this..
haha! see, i'm not lying!
went to eat at swensen's just that day with apple's friends, and took a pic of mingxuan.
she is just mad over her ice creams. haha..
at mos..

yawn.. no more photos! shall blog again some other times. =p
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
987fm djs
got this from jamie yeo's site. find it so true.
wan2 check out more on 987fm djs?