Wednesday, August 31, 2005


just wrote out some lyrics. no inspiration for the tune. anybody wan2 help? =)



你把我当玩具 我却傻傻地依你
强颜欢笑的笑 让我更伤心的心
我屑下了面具 看见丑陋的自己
心灵中的创伤 和一条 永远去不掉的疤

我把自己交给你 命运有木偶般的玄

Saturday, August 27, 2005

*just came back from work*

oops! kim's complaining! i better start blogging. haha!

hmm.. had MA lab test ytd. i find it ok but somehow my ans weren't the same as others. hmm.. wateva it is i just HOPE i won't flunk! =p

skipped audit lec ytd to meet my mum earlier in town. kinda guilty cos gotta let her go home herself while i went to watch movie with yilong, richard and sinyee. sorry mama! thou she won't read my blog.

anyway my mum ended up late also, so i went ps to walk around alone for a while. aiming for a few tops and dresses in poa, and shopped for some storybooks in times, cos wanyi gave me some times vouchers. didn't managed to buy anything, but gg back again soon.

hmm.. went to shop around in town after met up my mum. haha.. i think we r sorta bad influence to each other. let's c wat we bought:

1. mickey pouch ($19)
2. 2 necklace ($6.90+$8.90)
3. 2 bracelet ($3.90+$12.90)
4. 2 earrings ($2.90+$5.90)

1. mickey shoes ($52)
2. necklace ($9.90)

haha! told u ppl! ok, i'm a much bad influence compared to her. right yuwei? hee. she said cos dad dun let us buy cheap stuffs. ok, not exactly cheap.. but far east tt kinda style, cos he said they won't last. haha! ok, not exactly my fault. blame it on him!

visited richard at clinique. haha! wan2 get discount fr him. hmm.. caught him chatting on the phone while work. oops! anyway he was great. know quite alot. thanks richard! =)

anyway the movie was drink drank drunk. all thanks to richard he we were late for the movie! but it was great nonetheless. daniel wu is sooo shuai! and so r the other chefs. hmm.. thou it's just a typical romance show but i still love it!

saw wenguang at gio and after his work. he grew so thin la! stress right? n he was telling me how he got scolded at work. u so good tempered still will get scoldings. diao~ anyway i miss u k? wan2 go ktv asap! haha.. stupid guang. jia you! =)

saw waiseong, mervin and kok hao on our way home. i feel so stupid staring at kok hao and only realised it's him after a few mins. argh..

here comes the funny part. took a pic of richard and sinyee, n i wanted to bluetooth richard, but somehow it only manage to get over when they reach kovan. (where they alight and ate supper but yilong and i dun wan2 go) total was 271kb, so we still waited for it to transfer, hoping it will get thru, but who knows the train went off at 252kb! omg! feel so stupid la. haha.. esp with tt look on his face.

kk, tt's the end of ytd.

hmm.. nth much happened today. went jogging with ziyi in sch early in the morn. *yawn* but somehow i slack alot compared to last time. i better practise more! i dun wan2 fail my nafa! =p

we went to the opt side to be the opt students' "bai lao shu". let them test our eye sights. haha! anyway casper (ziyi's friend) is really WHITE! haha..

hmm.. went work after tt. had NO LUCK today! or should i say BAD LUCK? lots of difficult customers, plus always do the wrong things. gg work tmr again, hopefully it won't b like tt tmr..

kim: i blogged! haha..

miss gp! so long never c them le.. =(

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

boring day..

was studying for afa. haven't practise anything yet. hopefully i won't FAIL! simply hate and scared of afa..

watched wedding crasher with yansze on mon after audit paper. it was great! it was hilarious.. i couldn't stop laughing.

took neo prints with her also. she's a pro in tt area. really know how to choose the type machine and decorate the pictures. haha.. wait till she send me the pictures then i'll post it them here k? zhiwei, *ahem* i welcome u to see the pictures. haha..

slept at 7am tis morn. was chatting with puppy and studying afa.

wanted to bid an emily watch but.. nvm. was outbidden by a guy at the last 10 sec. =(

hmm.. shall update more next time. my life's kinda boring nowadays.

*miss kim and wanyi*

going sch on sat to practise 2.4 and gg sentosa to meet wanyi after tt.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

studying day..

hey, thanks ppl. =) so happy that so many ppl are concern about me. *muacks* i'm ok le. maybe i'm just to paranoid tt night. =p

studied a bit of audit just now. realised i didn't copy my notes! argh~ wat the hell am i doin in class..

i'm gonna do my afa tut. haven't even done 1 since the sem starts. haha.. really lots of catch up.

Monday, August 8, 2005

i'm feeling so frustrated. *argh*

i think the relationship between humans are so freaking complicating. not just about love, but also friends, family etc..

i admit bgr are the most complicating and irritating ones. but maybe i've been thinking too much, so the rest seems so irritating as bgrs.

i think wat kim said was so true. in bgrs, wat comes outta it will all be the same- everything will eventually become nth. one of them (which mostly turn out to be the guys) will get sick of the other one thou the other one love him/her like hell, and breakup will be the outcome.

here's wat kim advised me->
perhaps now u jus enjoy the good side of it....
dun go think bt the future le
if tt day really comes... den jus tell urself. i've enjoyed the good
i mus move on...

eh.. i dun think so can move on so easily lo. it's gonna be torturous.

there's someone whom i actually can fall easily for, but i'm building a barrier around me. i just feel that nth good will come out from a r/s. after my previous one, i'm really losing my confident in guys. hmm.. maybe i just need someone whom i cannot really believe in to change my point of view.

even my mum and my boss say, everything will be discount after sometimes. courtship, they'll put 110% heart and soul, after u accepted him, 100%, few months l8r 80% and so on.. hey, after hearing all these, how can i trust any1?

i really have friends who treat me as F-R-I-E-N-D, and i seriously appreciate them. but it really suck when u treat friends as real friends and realised how hard they are stabbing you in the back. ouch, tt hurts. pls ppl, it just hurts to much to know tt, and it hurts even more when i have to smile at you in the face althou i know u are the one who have to draining away my blood all along. it just suck.

to my real friends, i love you. seriously do. u've always be there for me when i need you, n i'll always be there when u need me, regardless of any circumstances.

maybe i should really go sort out my tots. too much information. thinking a bit too much. give me some time.

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

zhiwei heavy colour light friends

i shall dedicate tis entry to ZHIWEI! tt zhong se qin you de friend! hmph. tag on YANSZE's blog never tag on my blog!

you are gonna be dead. so bu zi dong need me to say then will tag! haha.. now is tag also wrong dun tag also wrong.. =x

check the photo out. beware of tis guy. haha!

btw.. sorry weisheng to have you involve. =p